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Face Lift

A face lift (rhytidectomy) is a procedure designed to treat the sagging cheek and jowl region of the face and tighten the skin of the neck. The effect of the face lift is to provide an enhanced and more youthful appearance. The surgical technique is matched with the specific needs of the patient. The technique chosen may include either the “short scar” mini-face lift, the traditional “skin only” face lift, the “corset” neck lift or the popular “SMAS” lift for the sagging jowl. The method chosen is catered to the patient to promote inconspicuous scars and a natural appearance.


These procedures are usually performed under general anesthesia at the Horizons Plastic Surgery and take three to six hours to complete. Incisions are planned to coincide with the natural skin creases in front of the ear, around the ear lobe and then behind the ear extending into the scalp. Usually a small incision is placed under the chin. Excess fat is removed from the neck, and the front edges of the neck muscles are sutured together to tighten the neck. The elevated skin flaps are then re-draped over the face; excess skin is removed and the incisions closed.


The following day the dressing is removed, and the patient wears an elastic garment for three to six weeks to control swelling. Sutures are removed one to two weeks later. A patient generally restricts his/her social contacts for approximately three-six weeks to allow any swelling and bruising to subside.

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Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty

Sun exposure, stress, age and genetic factors all contribute to the tired look associated with wrinkles and puffiness of the eyelids. Blepharoplasty is the medical term for the surgical enhancement of either the upper or lower eyelids.


Excess skin on the upper eyelid may contribute to a tired appearance. It may interfere with the application of eye shadow, and it can even cause the obstruction of your superior field of vision. At Horizons Plastic Surgery the upper eyelid blepharoplasty can be performed using local anesthesia with mild sedation. During the one-and-a-half-hour surgery the excess tissue is removed using incisions that are placed in natural skin creases. Sutures are removed one to two weeks later. The patient is typically able to return to work in a week, and in four to six weeks the small amount of swelling and mild bruising has resolved.


During your complimentary consultation at Horizons Plastic Surgery you can explore the many options for facial rejuvenation. After a thorough evaluation and a detailed description of the procedures, you can balance the benefits of the surgery with the known risks and possible complications.


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Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty

Sun exposure, stress, age and genetic factors all contribute to the tired look associated with wrinkles and puffiness of the eyelids. Blepharoplasty is the medical term for the surgical enhancement of either the upper or lower eyelids.


The most common reason a patient requests the lower eyelid blepharoplasty is to correct puffiness. This condition is caused by the bulging of fat under the eye. A patient typically chooses to have a general anesthetic, and the surgery usually takes two to four hours. Correction of this condition involves little or no skin removal, and only small amounts of fat are actually removed. The incision can be made just below the eyelashes or just inside the lower eyelid for a completely invisible approach. The modern development of oculoplastic technique emphasizes preservation of the fat in order to prevent a hollow, operated appearance to the lower eyelid. Although some fat is removed, most of it is transposed to an adjacent location within the lid. This helps restore a healthier appearance to the lower eyelid.


Many patients requesting lower lid surgery have experienced a slow deterioration in the elastic qualities of the eyelid tissue. These issues are dealt with proactively by performing an extended lower eyelid blepharoplasty. This procedure is performed under general anesthesia and, in addition to the management of bulging fat, involves the subtle elevation of lower eyelid and upper cheek soft tissue to better support the lower eyelid. An additional procedure, known as canthopexy, reinforces the corner of the eyelid to help maintain proper eyelid position.


Lower eyelid blepharoplasty is more involved than surgery on the upper eyelid and patients will experience more bruising and swelling. Pain is moderate and most patients may resume normal activities within three to four weeks.

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Otoplasty techniques include surgical operations to restore or enhance the appearance of an ear or the ears. Deformity of the external ear may be due to trauma, the treatment for cancer or a congenital condition such as the protruding ear.


The most common congenital ear deformity treated at Horizons Plastic Surgery is the protruding ear.


The protruding ear appears either at birth or in early childhood and can involve either one or both ears. Abnormal growth and development of the ear cartilage contributes to the range of deformities seen with this condition. Proper evaluation of the external ear is required to customize the surgical management.


The surgical approach usually utilizes an incision behind the ear to gain access to the cartilage contributing to the protruding helix. The protruding part is folded into a more advantageous shape and held in place by a series of permanent sutures, anchored in the cartilage. If there is an overgrowth of the conchal cartilage then a small incision is made on the front side of the ear and a small, crescent shaped piece of cartilage is removed. Both of these incisions heal very well and most become imperceptible with time.


The procedure can be performed in our Surgical Suite using either local or general anesthesia; cases approved by insurance are performed at the hospital.


A protective bandage is worn for several days and sutures are removed at one week. Pain is minimal and most people return to school or work within two weeks.

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